The Last Day on Earth
The discovery of ‘The Futuro House’ - a UFO shaped holiday retreat, situated in the remote English countryside inspired and initiated this body of work. Originating from the 1960s era of space-age living, its round, symmetrical and minimalist interior represents an ideal of a tranquil, remote home. This search for a place of silence and peace devoid of distractions or interference from the outside world is a recurring theme in Hermine’s work.
‘The Last Day on Earth’ is a fictional narrative taking place in and around the house portraying two humanoids reaching the end of their days. Confronted by the reality of their impending departure and the limited time on the planet, they find solace in nature, each other’s company and the pure act of being. Within the simple moments and activities, they discover profound meaning, enjoying the detailed observation of a leaf or the embrace of a tree. Weaving together the passage of time, organic elements and human connection, the work serves as a testament to life’s abundance within its limited span.
The Last Day on Earth
Drawing inspiration from Craig Barnes’ fully renowned Futuro House currently located in Marston Park, UK, “The Last Day on Earth” portrays a fictional story of two human-like aliens reaching the end of their days on planet Earth. When time is realised as a limited resource, the simple, seemingly ordinary moments in the heart of a forest gain an entirely new significance for them. The natural elements and activities sparking emotional human connection are a vital part of the work, representing the abundance to be experienced and appreciated in this finite lifetime.
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